FBA-C certification indicates that an individual exceeds the skillset of a standard industry technical certification such as CPT and GFI, and has pursued education to achieve leading performance in the industry.
FBA Certified Pros are expected to be proficient in client communication and motivation, excellence in coaching, and have a robust understanding of business essentials for the industry.
Eligibility and Prerequisites
Participants in the FBA-C Program are expected to be working fitness professionals, and already hold a technical certification such as CPT and GFI.
As part of their existing technical certification, participants in the FBA-C Program are expected to have received training in ethics and scope of practice, and have complete command of the entire training or coaching methodology provided by their technical certification.
In addition to those requirements, modules of the FBA-C program may name specific knowledge prerequisites needed to fully understand the module, based on what is expected of a certified professional. For these knowledge prerequisites, the learner can consult their technical certification materials to review the knowledge, or learn from a supporting guide provided by FBA, or use other learning means to study and fulfill the knowledge prerequisites.
Professional Standards and Scope of Practice
Pros are expected to adhere to the professional standards, ethics framework and scope of practice defined by their technical certification(s). In addition, FBA-C Pros are expected to proudly adhere to the FBA Code of Conduct and Core Values:
As a reminder, this is a common scope of practice statement that applies to all fitness certifications:
Fitness professionals follow proven methodologies to design and carry out safe and effective assessments, programming and coaching. Fitness professionals follow scientifically valid information based on clinical evidence and expert consensus. To prevent causing harm, fitness professionals do not diagnose or treat areas of pain or disease, and will refer clients to health care professionals when the need arises.
Remember: People will expect higher standards and leadership from an FBA Certified Pro. Always conduct yourself as if people are watching and learning from your actions.
FBA Certification Program
Certification Study Stage
The program consists of multiple modules of video education, each with a required quiz. The passing grade for the quizzes is 80%, and the learners can repeat any quiz indefinitely. The program is completed when the learner has watched all the module education and passed all quizzes. At this point, the learner advances from the certification study stage to the ongoing education stage.
Ongoing Education Stage
Once the initial certification coursework has been completed, the FBA-C Certified Pro must maintain the certification via ongoing education provided by FBA as part of the FBA membership. FBA believes that ongoing education is essential to maintain excellence and leadership in the industry.
FBA-C Pros are expected to participate in the equivalent of 10 education sessions each semester. The FBA website will provide various opportunities to earn those credits. Further, at least one SUCCEED! event will take place during each semester, offering a great opportunity to earn those credits quickly. The learner is expected to stay informed on FBA and SUCCEED! education programming, to pick the education they’d prefer to attend.
Education Support
Each module offers a companion workbook. The workbook is an optional homework tool to help students grasp the topics, assess their skills, and pursue exercises to deepen their understanding.
The program offers a Certification Support and Resources page that includes access to additional materials such as guides.
The program includes access to additional video education from the FBA and SUCCEED! catalog of education. Learners are welcome to take advantage of the additional video education for any topics they wish to explore in more detail.
Learners are encouraged to join the community discussion at the next SUCCEED! event. The main SUCCEED! event takes place twice per year. At SUCCEED!, learners can participate in the forums, and ask questions of expert presenters during sessions or Q&As.
Commitment to Learning
As the FBA-C Program is intended for fitness professionals pursuing excellence, it is assumed that the learner is committed to their education and making the most of the program. As a reminder, the following principles apply to learners:
- The learner will follow the program as intended, taking all video education and quizzes in earnest and without help from others.
- Quiz examinations are intended as “open book”. Learners are welcome to use their notes and program material, but should refrain from consulting other sources such as the internet.
- Learners will not cheat in any way, nor violate the confidentiality of the examination.
Do not copy or post the content program, quiz questions, or workbook content online for others. Doing so could interfere with the education journey of another learner.
Coursework Monitoring
FBA uses the learning platform to track, record and give credit for education progress. Learners should be aware that all their activity on the learning platform is tracked and recorded by the computer systems, and will also be reviewed by FBA staff.
FBA monitors the coursework and learner progress for quality assurance and adherence to the rules of the program. FBA reserves the right to audit learners work, quiz responses, and any other aspect of the learning participation as it relates to the FBA-C Program.
Disciplinary Action
Any learner found in violation of the standards set in this page or in the Code of Conduct, will be subject to disciplinary action that may include removal from the program, and immediate cancellation of FBA Certification or any other current or future FBA or SUCCEED! access or services.