Brennan Donahue
Business to business networking can create valuable long-term relationships and results, but it has to be done right. Dr. Donahue built his business almost exclusively on B to B networking. He shares how to do it correctly.
Key Takeaways from this Podcast...
- What is Dr. Donahue’s criteria for working with a trainer or fitness business?
- The 3 R's
- The breakdown on how to network market your business
- Why you have to curate your message for your audience
- Do you follow up?
- Be a solid person and you will build solid relationships
- What turns doc off about a trainer or training facility?
Mindset and Development
- What has been Brennan's most successful failure?
- What has been his biggest surprise in the fitness industry?
- Where does he go for personal and professional development?
Brennan Donahue

Dr. Brennan was involved in a pool accident that left him with a spinal injury. Since he was unable to get through his daily activities due to his injury and the standard medical model provided him no relief, he reached out to a local chiropractor for help. After experiencing the benefits of chiropractic care first hand, it did not take him long to decide that chiropractic was exactly what he wanted to do in life.
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