The topic of Health Coaching is expanding rapidly as people move away from a singular focus on fitness to a broader wellness approach. This presentation will clarify the differences between general health and the wellness paradigm and what composes each. It will look at the objective criteria used to form a needs analysis and the relevant therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) that reflect improvements in the inter-related systems of the body. Further, we will investigate the process of setting goals within a comprehensive Wellness Care Plan.
Key Takeaways
- Understand the role of a health coach
- The process of assessing holistic wellness
- The steps to identifying therapeutic lifestyle interventions
- Steps to complete a comprehensive Wellness Care Plan
Brian Biagioli

Dr. Brian Biagioli currently serves as the graduate program director for strength and conditioning in the Kinesiology and Sport Science Department at the University of Miami. He also serves as the current Executive Director for the National Council on Strength and Fitness Board for Certification. He is very active in the fitness industry currently serving four national committees related to standard setting, accreditation and population engagement in physical activity in the United States. Dr. Biagioli has authored four college text books and most recently is the primary author and editor for a new book on advanced sports performance. He has presented internationally for different sport conferences including lectures at the Olympic training center in Korea, Argentina, and is a lead expert on performance FIBA Europe. Formerly, Dr. Biagioli served as the program director for the Department of Exercise Physiology at Florida International University as well as a Division I Strength and Conditioning Coach.
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