Interview with Melissa Friedman, Director of Patient Sales.

I’ll be interviewing Melissa to learn more about what sets BodyLogic apart from other companies who offer HRT and pharmaceutical grade supplements and peptides. 

  • (:40) Tell us what separates BodyLogic practitioners from other anti-aging practitioners out there?
  • (2:27) What is HormonePro?
  • (3:31) Why would someone want HRT therapy?  
  • (4:53) Talk to me more about your personal journey with HRT therapy?
  • (6:09) BodyLogic has been in business for over 20 years. What makes BodyLogic so successful?
  • (7:12) Talk to me more about their nutraceuticals line? 
  • (8:59) You also offer peptides; what are they used for?
  • (10:04) What would you tell others when it comes to referring them to BodyLogic for their treatment needs?

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Melissa Friedman

I started my journey with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy many years ago. I just wasn't feeling myself, not sure what was happening. I went to my obgyn and was told, sorry there is nothing we can do. That is what happens as we age. Awful answers. Then I found a practitioner at BLMD. What a life changing event that was for me. The testing, the answers, all things I could not imagine getting answered from a traditional doctor.


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