Interview with Devon Brown, Head Adventure Coach at Adventure Fit.

We interviewed Devon to learn more about his experience working with Virtuagym.

  • (0:55) Tell us about you and how you came to work in fitness?

  • (2:23) Why did you begin working with Virtuagym?
  • (3:57) What drove them to start using an all-in-one fitness app?
  • (5:35) How they have maximized the community and schedule features?
  • (7:38) What digital plans they have for the future including with Virtuagym?
  • (9:50) What they would tell others regarding recommending Virtuagym?

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Devon Brown

Over the past decade, I’ve helped hundreds of clients set and achieve ADVENTURE GOALS. Some have been beyond their wildest dreams like hiking mountains, touring foreign countries, and completing unbelievable races. Others have been life changing adventures like getting ready to have a baby, being able to play soccer with a grandchild, passing a physical fitness test for a job, and honoring a deceased lover by spreading ashes on a secluded island.


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