Perhaps the most significant challenge coaches face with online personal training is to keep their services, well, “personal”!

Join Joseph Guandolo (Facts Over Fads Nutrition) and Ryan Hallett (Head of Service, My PT Hub) as they discuss the unique challenges and solutions to creating bespoke training services for remote clients while keeping the “personal” in personal training. Hear how Joseph has leveraged the power of My PT Hub to deliver class-leading coaching to over 1,000 clients whilst using our client management solution to keep his clients accountable and engaged throughout their training.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to scale your business efficiently using a software solution.
  • Building client engagement through automated touch-points.
  • Key My PT Hub features to add value to your training products.
  • Best practice tips around online accountability and check-ins.
  • Why My PT Hub is Joseph’s software of choice for mentoring coaches.

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Ryan Hallett

Ryan is Head of Service at My PT Hub and manages the support team for our 100,000 member-strong trainer community. After joining the team in 2017, Ryan has developed our community mentorship network, hosts our live training webinars and “Business Blueprint” masterclass series and works closely with our Product team to make high-impact changes and efficiencies to our software to deliver maximum value to our trainer community.

Joseph Guandolo

I started in the fitness industry in 2007. While being an athletic trainer in high school, I found my passion taking care of athletes and keeping them healthy and active. Later, joining the military as a Combat Medic/ Healthcare specialist, I continued my passion through keeping soldiers physically and medically well to operate optimally while deployed in Afghanistan. Starting my fitness career in 2014 as a civilian in San Antonio, I became a personal trainer/Fitness Manager for Gold's Gym.


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