Interview with Michael Hughes, CEO of Gymnazo, a 7-figure functional training facility located on the Central Coast of California.
We spoke to Michael to learn more about how working with GymFit Financial to help him grow and evolve his current business.
- (0:54) Tell us a little about you and your background and how you came to work within the fitness industry?
- (4:02) Tell us about what your offerings are as a business? What sets you apart from your competition?
- (6:18) Why did you begin working with GymFit Financial?
- (8:28) What areas of your business were you looking to change?
- (11:02) How has working with GymFit increased revenue for you?
- (15:21) What are your future plans for your business?
- (17:53) What would you tell others when it comes to recommending GymFit Financial for their business needs?
Michael Hughes

Michael Hughes is the founder of Gymnazo, a 7-figure functional training facility located on the Central Coast of California that focuses on integrating restoration with performance in a variety of services. In 2019 Gymnazo was ranked in the top 5% of American like-sized gyms for revenue. With a churn rate of under 3%, being able to retain over 80% of his clientele during the pandemic, Gymnazo’s business model and training style have created security in a volatile market.
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