In this session, participants will learn the strong business case for inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in health and fitness operations and why building a more engaging environment can help increase revenue and is a mutually beneficial partnership for all involved.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn about The OUT Foundation
- Foundational Knowledge of the Binary Culture of Fitness
- Why Inclusion of the LGBTQ+ Community is important to building healthy and thriving lives
- The bottom line revenue benefit for your gym being inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community
Paul Raker

Paul Raker currently serves as The OUT Foundation’s Vice President of Operations and Communications. In this role, he guides internal and external communications, as well as brand visibility and the digital presence of The OUT Foundation. He also assists in implementation of the foundation’s four key programs—OUTHealth, OUTAthlete, OUTAIM and. OUTAthetics. Prior to this role, Paul spent his career in the non-profit sector in Membership, Marketing and Executive Operations with the YMCA managing large multi-million dollar budget portfolios, streamlining operations and growing revenue through programming and membership.
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